Were back to the beginning again!!! The first Chemistry post of the year! And its all about the separation of particles and other substances!! Yay!!!!! :)
-Pure Sugar
-Iron Metal Chips
-Small Boiling Stones
-Small Beaker
-Filter Paper
We began by taking a small beaker and added 8.85 MG of pure sugar, 6.01 MG of Iron Metal Chips, as well as 6.56 MG of small boiling stones. After thoroughly mixing these combined elements we then traded with another group who did a separate mixture among themselves. We traded our mixture with Steven and Victor's. We then had to figure out a way to separate the solution. After much contemplation we decided to separate the solution in the easiest way. We decided to take out a magnet in order to separate the metal filings out from the mixture by pulling the magnet across. We weighed those and ended up with 3.05 MG of filings. This measurement isn't that far off from the measurement we began with at 4.23 MG. After physically trying to separated the calcium chloride and boiling stones we realized we failed and had to do it a different way from which we started. Without knowing how to do this particular step Mr. Ludwig lended us a hand, well an idea more like it. Calcium chloride is dissolved in water! However the boiling stones do NOT! After realizing this we measure the combined mixture and measure it at 20.14 MG. Using a water filter paper, a funnel, and a beaker we combined water with the mixture. We then poured the mixture and water into the funnel and let it rest overnight. The next day when last hour came around we found that the components were separated! We then found that there was 10.06 MG of the boiling stone and 10.08 MG of sand as well.