Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Popcorn Lab!

Pop, Pop, POPCORN!
1. Add enough vegetable oil to cover the bottom of the beaker. Make a tight cover for the beaker for the aluminum foil. Weigh the beaker as it is and record the weight
2. Add 25-30 kernels of popcorn to the beaker and replace the lid. Weight the beaker again, with the popcorn in it
3. Poke several holes in the aluminum foil and place it on the ring stand over the Bunsen Burner
4. When the popcorn is finished popping, remove the heat and carefully take off the aluminum cover
5. Let the beaker stand until it is cool. Once it has cooled, weigh the beaker with the popped corn and the cover on
I did this lab with Mr. Steven and our results were…
Beaker and Oil
192 Grams
Beaker, Oil, and Corn
198.5 Grams
Beaker, Oil, and POPcorn
197.5 Grams

Well overall in this lab I wasn’t here for the first day to get all the yummy popcorn we could actually eat, but hey that’s okay! However I did learn that popcorn loses water mass as the kernels are heated up and reach the point of popping. That’s why when you place a bag of popcorn in the microwave it is always more heavy going in then it does coming out. Water mass is what keeps the kernels from burning when they are being heated to pop. So results showed that our popcorn lost around about 1% give or take of its water content!

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